I have experience in both traditional and hybrid forms of writing. I've written for magazines and newspapers as well as composed works of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. I've also had some experience in writing the graphic novella. My background in a range of compositional theories gives me a unique, multidisciplinary foundation from which to employ multiple, contextual frameworks. My creative process involves the strategic placement of multigenre works in conjunction with graphic components-such as photography, collage and visual poetry, resulting in the birth of a multilayered, intertextual narrative.
Below are, On the Way to Cape May: Phantom Portraits of My Hometown and Childhood Calliope. The pieces are an exploration in the rhetoric of image and juxtapostion of compositional elements. To create the projects, I combined photography, multigenre text, and graphic collage.
To view the Issuu presentations, click on the images. To view On the Way to Cape May: Phantom Portraits of My Hometown or Childhood Calliope on the Issuu website, click here.
As Espen Aarseth writes in Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature, "If texts redefine literature by expanding our notion of it, then they must also redefine what is literary, and therefore they cannot be measured by an old, unmodified aesthetic."
My generative poem, Topaz Galaxies is a nonlinear poem and a remix Chuck Rybak's remix of Scott Rettberg's and Mark Sample's remix of Nick Montfort's generative nature poem, Taroko Gorge. The code is original, but the words are my own. As I composed this poem, I explored themes in electronic literature, code studies, and software studies. The result is a work that challenges traditional ideas about writing, authorship,and meaning-making, and invites the reader into an emergent storytelling experience.
Please click on the gray text below to view the poem:
Topaz Galaxies
"BookLove" Ethnographic + Phenomenological Research - Graduate Course Blog
"Let's Get Visual, Visual" Visual Rhetoric and Multimodal Composition - Graduate Course Blog
"Raiders of the Lost Architecture" Information Architecture - Graduate Course Blog
Writing for Electronic Communities - Graduate Course Blog
Below is a literature review for the online hybrid publication,Trickhouse. (To view the Issuu presentation here, click on the image. To go to the Issuu website and view the presentation there, click here.